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Strugling IF Formula

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Strugling IF Formula

    HI All,

    I am trying to write an OR IF formula. Maybe there is an easier way.

    This is what I am trying to write =IF(a2=D1,1,0),orif(B2=D1,2,0),orif(C2=D1,1,0) - The formula would be in D2

    What the formula needs to say is if the value in A2 equals D1 return value 1, or if not then if the value in B2 equals D1 return value 2, or if not then if the value in C2 equals D1 return value 1.

    Please help maybe I am trying the wrong formular?


  2. #2
    Forum Contributor VBA Noob's Avatar
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    London, England
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    xl03 & xl 07(Jan 09)
    Try this


  3. #3

    Re: Strugling IF Formula

    Hi Brento,


    [MVP - Microsoft Word]

    "Brento" <Brento.2azjhq_1152964505.0655@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:Brento.2azjhq_1152964505.0655@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > HI All,
    > I am trying to write an OR IF formula. Maybe there is an easier way.
    > This is what I am trying to write
    > =IF(a2=D1,1,0),orif(B2=D1,2,0),orif(C2=D1,1,0) - The formula would be
    > in D2
    > What the formula needs to say is if the value in A2 equals D1 return
    > value 1, or if not then if the value in B2 equals D1 return value 2, or
    > if not then if the value in C2 equals D1 return value 1.
    > Please help maybe I am trying the wrong formular?
    > thanks
    > Brento
    > --
    > Brento
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Brento's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=561717

  4. #4
    Michel Bru

    Re: Strugling IF Formula

    VBA Noob a =E9crit :

    > Try this
    > =3DIF(B2=3DD1,2,IF(OR(A2=3DD1,C2=3DD1)<>"",1,""))

    Sorry, this is wrong.

    This is not what Brento has asked for!
    macropod give the right solution.

    Michel Bruy=E8re.

  5. #5
    Michel Bru

    Re: Strugling IF Formula

    VBA Noob a =E9crit :

    > Try this
    > =3DIF(B2=3DD1,2,IF(OR(A2=3DD1,C2=3DD1)<>"",1,""))

    Sorry, this is wrong.

    This is not what Brento has asked for!
    macropod give the right solution.

    Michel Bruy=E8re.

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