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Finding Adjacent empty cell

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Finding Adjacent empty cell

    lets say you have 1 column (A) of data and it goes to row 5, You insert a new Column A and shift everything to the right. So now you have a blank Column A and a Column B that has 5 rows of data.

    How do I find the cell in Column A that would match the last row of data in Column B which would be 5, So that i can fill Column A with data

    I was thinking i can find the last cell of data in Column B. could i than move the cell selector over to the left by 1 and fill up? And if so how do i do that?

    Thanks in advance. I hope it is clear

    Oh i'm using Excel Xp


  2. #2
    Otto Moehrbach

    Re: Finding Adjacent empty cell

    You would need VBA for that. I don't know what kind of "fill up" you want
    to do, but the following code will find the cell in Column A that is in the
    same row as the last entry in Column B. In this code I use the variable
    LastCellColA to be that cell. If you want to use this code and more to do
    the fill up part, post back with clarification of "fill up". HTH Otto
    Sub FindCellColA()
    Dim LastCellColA As Range
    Set LastCellColA = Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(, -1)
    End Sub
    "s1ip" <s1ip.2axzxr_1152892506.1419@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in message
    > lets say you have 1 column (A) of data and it goes to row 5, You insert
    > a new Column A and shift everything to the right. So now you have a
    > blank Column A and a Column B that has 5 rows of data.
    > How do I find the cell in Column A that would match the last row of
    > data in Column B which would be 5, So that i can fill Column A with
    > data
    > I was thinking i can find the last cell of data in Column B. could i
    > than move the cell selector over to the left by 1 and fill up? And if
    > so how do i do that?
    > Thanks in advance. I hope it is clear
    > Oh i'm using Excel Xp
    > Thanks
    > Keith
    > --
    > s1ip
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > s1ip's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=36366
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=561511

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