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Accounts Receivable Aging Report

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  1. #1

    Accounts Receivable Aging Report

    I have a excel file with 8000 rows. It is an worksheet of AR invoice aging.
    I want to be able to create spreadsheets for the following. 1. Total Company
    Aging - (summary of this spredsheet) 2. Summary Aging per Customer #
    (summary of each customer) I have a total of 400 customers in this file. I
    don't know how to use VGA - just formuals. I can go the vlook ups, but I am
    just a beginner with those. Any suggestions/ideas as to how I can manage
    this data? If you have other ideas I would like to hear them. I know
    someone out there has done this before. At my old job I had some programers
    that could do this for me. Here I am that person if I want the report.
    HELP!! Thanks!
    EX: these are the column headings that I have. I have to manually age
    into the correct column because the system can't do it.
    Customer Name AR # Custome Service# Invoice Date Invoice Total
    Invoice# PO# Invoice Terms Due Date Current 1-30 31-60 61-90 91-120 >120

  2. #2
    Franz Verga

    Re: Accounts Receivable Aging Report

    davies wrote:
    > I have a excel file with 8000 rows. It is an worksheet of AR invoice
    > aging.
    > I want to be able to create spreadsheets for the following. 1. Total
    > Company Aging - (summary of this spredsheet) 2. Summary Aging per
    > Customer # (summary of each customer) I have a total of 400 customers
    > in this file. I don't know how to use VGA - just formuals. I can go
    > the vlook ups, but I am just a beginner with those. Any
    > suggestions/ideas as to how I can manage this data? If you have
    > other ideas I would like to hear them. I know someone out there has
    > done this before. At my old job I had some programers that could do
    > this for me. Here I am that person if I want the report. HELP!!
    > Thanks!
    > EX: these are the column headings that I have. I have to manually
    > age into the correct column because the system can't do it.
    > Customer Name AR # Custome Service# Invoice Date Invoice Total
    > Invoice# PO# Invoice Terms Due Date Current 1-30 31-60 61-90 91-120
    > >120

    Hi Davies,

    maybe you could upload an example file to www.savefile.com

    Thanks in advance for your feedback.


    Franz Verga from Italy

  3. #3

    Re: Accounts Receivable Aging Report

    Hi Franz what is savefile.com? I am not familiar with that. - Davies

    "Franz Verga" wrote:

    > davies wrote:
    > > I have a excel file with 8000 rows. It is an worksheet of AR invoice
    > > aging.
    > > I want to be able to create spreadsheets for the following. 1. Total
    > > Company Aging - (summary of this spredsheet) 2. Summary Aging per
    > > Customer # (summary of each customer) I have a total of 400 customers
    > > in this file. I don't know how to use VGA - just formuals. I can go
    > > the vlook ups, but I am just a beginner with those. Any
    > > suggestions/ideas as to how I can manage this data? If you have
    > > other ideas I would like to hear them. I know someone out there has
    > > done this before. At my old job I had some programers that could do
    > > this for me. Here I am that person if I want the report. HELP!!
    > > Thanks!
    > > EX: these are the column headings that I have. I have to manually
    > > age into the correct column because the system can't do it.
    > > Customer Name AR # Custome Service# Invoice Date Invoice Total
    > > Invoice# PO# Invoice Terms Due Date Current 1-30 31-60 61-90 91-120
    > > >120

    > Hi Davies,
    > maybe you could upload an example file to www.savefile.com
    > --
    > Thanks in advance for your feedback.
    > Ciao
    > Franz Verga from Italy

  4. #4
    Franz Verga

    Re: Accounts Receivable Aging Report

    davies wrote:
    > Hi Franz what is savefile.com? I am not familiar with that. - Davies

    it's a site for uploading files and sharing them. In this way you don't need
    to attach the file, just post or e-mail the link...

    > "Franz Verga" wrote:
    >> davies wrote:
    >>> I have a excel file with 8000 rows. It is an worksheet of AR invoice
    >>> aging.
    >>> I want to be able to create spreadsheets for the following. 1.
    >>> Total Company Aging - (summary of this spredsheet) 2. Summary
    >>> Aging per Customer # (summary of each customer) I have a total of
    >>> 400 customers in this file. I don't know how to use VGA - just
    >>> formuals. I can go the vlook ups, but I am just a beginner with
    >>> those. Any suggestions/ideas as to how I can manage this data? If
    >>> you have other ideas I would like to hear them. I know someone out
    >>> there has done this before. At my old job I had some programers
    >>> that could do this for me. Here I am that person if I want the
    >>> report. HELP!! Thanks!
    >>> EX: these are the column headings that I have. I have to manually
    >>> age into the correct column because the system can't do it.
    >>> Customer Name AR # Custome Service# Invoice Date Invoice Total
    >>> Invoice# PO# Invoice Terms Due Date Current 1-30 31-60 61-90 91-120
    >>>> 120

    >> Hi Davies,
    >> maybe you could upload an example file to www.savefile.com
    >> --
    >> Thanks in advance for your feedback.
    >> Ciao
    >> Franz Verga from Italy

    (I'm not sure of names of menus, options and commands, because
    translating from the Italian version of Excel...)

    Hope I helped you.

    Thanks in advance for your feedback.


    Franz Verga from Italy

  5. #5
    Roger Govier

    Re: Accounts Receivable Aging Report

    I assume from your layout that Invoice Date is in Column D and Current
    is in Column J.
    I would be inclined to do away with the columns for the aging, and just
    use a single formula in column J, which I would give the heading Period.
    In J2
    copy down column as far as required
    This would calculate a period number, 0 for current, 1 for 1 to 30
    days, 2 for 31 to 60 etc.

    Then I would use a Pivot Table for my summary.
    Mark the block of data>Data>Pivot Tables>Next>Next>Layout
    Drag Customer Name to the Row area
    Drag Period to the Column area
    Drag Invoice Total to the Data Area
    Click OK>Next to put summary on a new sheet

    You will then have your data summarised by period and Customer, with a
    Total for the company for each period and overall.

    For more help on Pivot Tables, including using a Dynamic Range to define
    the data area, take a look at Debra Dalgleish's site and scroll to the
    section on Pivot Tables.


    Roger Govier

    "davies" <davies@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    >I have a excel file with 8000 rows. It is an worksheet of AR invoice
    > I want to be able to create spreadsheets for the following. 1. Total
    > Company
    > Aging - (summary of this spredsheet) 2. Summary Aging per Customer #
    > (summary of each customer) I have a total of 400 customers in this
    > file. I
    > don't know how to use VGA - just formuals. I can go the vlook ups,
    > but I am
    > just a beginner with those. Any suggestions/ideas as to how I can
    > manage
    > this data? If you have other ideas I would like to hear them. I know
    > someone out there has done this before. At my old job I had some
    > programers
    > that could do this for me. Here I am that person if I want the
    > report.
    > HELP!! Thanks!
    > EX: these are the column headings that I have. I have to manually
    > age
    > into the correct column because the system can't do it.
    > Customer Name AR # Custome Service# Invoice Date Invoice Total
    > Invoice# PO# Invoice Terms Due Date Current 1-30 31-60 61-90 91-120
    > >120


  6. #6

    Re: Accounts Receivable Aging Report

    Hi Roger,
    You assumed correctly. I am trying your suggestion however my Column J is
    returning all '4'. I am not familiar with that formual. I understand the
    functionality of it but I can't figure out why I am getting 4. Here is an

    (D) (J)
    Invoice Date Current
    06/09/2006 4
    Formula in J = =MIN(4,INT((TODAY()-D2/30)))

    It should return a 1 correct?
    Thank you for your suggestions!

  7. #7
    Roger Govier

    Re: Accounts Receivable Aging Report


    You didn't copy my formula, you typed it and got a bracket in he wrong

    = MIN (4, INT( (TODAY()-D2) /30) ) spaces inserted for clarity
    =MIN(4, INT( (TODAY()-D2/30)) )

    The former will return 1, where D2 contains 09 Jun 2006


    Roger Govier

    "davies" <davies@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Hi Roger,
    > You assumed correctly. I am trying your suggestion however my Column
    > J is
    > returning all '4'. I am not familiar with that formual. I understand
    > the
    > functionality of it but I can't figure out why I am getting 4. Here
    > is an
    > example:
    > (D) (J)
    > Invoice Date Current
    > 06/09/2006 4
    > Formula in J = =MIN(4,INT((TODAY()-D2/30)))
    > It should return a 1 correct?
    > Thank you for your suggestions!

  8. #8
    PY & Associates

    Re: Accounts Receivable Aging Report

    Have a look at this example, adjust to suit


    "davies" <davies@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > I have a excel file with 8000 rows. It is an worksheet of AR invoice

    > I want to be able to create spreadsheets for the following. 1. Total

    > Aging - (summary of this spredsheet) 2. Summary Aging per Customer #
    > (summary of each customer) I have a total of 400 customers in this file.

    > don't know how to use VGA - just formuals. I can go the vlook ups, but I

    > just a beginner with those. Any suggestions/ideas as to how I can manage
    > this data? If you have other ideas I would like to hear them. I know
    > someone out there has done this before. At my old job I had some

    > that could do this for me. Here I am that person if I want the report.
    > HELP!! Thanks!
    > EX: these are the column headings that I have. I have to manually age
    > into the correct column because the system can't do it.
    > Customer Name AR # Custome Service# Invoice Date Invoice Total
    > Invoice# PO# Invoice Terms Due Date Current 1-30 31-60 61-90 91-120 >120

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