I have a excel file with 8000 rows. It is an worksheet of AR invoice aging.
I want to be able to create spreadsheets for the following. 1. Total Company
Aging - (summary of this spredsheet) 2. Summary Aging per Customer #
(summary of each customer) I have a total of 400 customers in this file. I
don't know how to use VGA - just formuals. I can go the vlook ups, but I am
just a beginner with those. Any suggestions/ideas as to how I can manage
this data? If you have other ideas I would like to hear them. I know
someone out there has done this before. At my old job I had some programers
that could do this for me. Here I am that person if I want the report.
HELP!! Thanks!
EX: these are the column headings that I have. I have to manually age
into the correct column because the system can't do it.
Customer Name AR # Custome Service# Invoice Date Invoice Total
Invoice# PO# Invoice Terms Due Date Current 1-30 31-60 61-90 91-120 >120