Dear All,
is it possible to include a variable in a formula that gives you the
option to pick out a different file name?
eg.. Weekly Reports are created with just the last 6 characters of the
file name changing each time a new report is created. ... eg. WR010106,
WR070106 etc..
Can I have a cell ("A1") contain the variable '070106' that gets picked
up from a formula in "B1" where the formula may be:
= Vlookup($A2,'[WRXXXXXX.xls]Sheet1'!$A$1:$D$50,4,false)
where the XXXXXX represents the value in "A1"?
Basically, enter a string in one cell that gets picked up by a formula
containing a link.
I suppose I am trying to bypass the 'Change Source' option in the Links
area, and making the formula more dynamic.
Kind regards...