I apologise if this has been answered previously. I have searched but cannot find a solution for my problem.

In column B, I have a data validation list:
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4

In Column D, I have the following values:
Answer 3 - (in D16)
Answer 4 - (in D17)

If Choices 1 or 2 are selected from the drop down list, the user needs to manually complete a value in Column C because these choices have an unknown number of possible values.

However, if Choice 3 is selected, I would like the corresponding Column C cell to populate with a known value - Answer 3.

Similarly, if Choice 4 is selected, Answer 4 needs to appear in the corresponding cell in Column C.

I know how to make a dependent list (thank you Debra Dalgleish) but this still means the user has to know to go into the relevant cell in Column C to make the next choice.

Is there a way to make the values just "appear" in the right spot when a particular choice is made from the list? You're probably wondering why ... trust me ... it just needs to be ...

I would be very appreciative of any assistance.

I apologise if this is a "dumb" question but I'm stumped.

Thanking you in advance.