I have 4 separate workbooks that are experiencing the same puzzling phenomenon: a few cells' contents do not print. The things I have observed:

They show up fine in print preview.

The borders and arrows around and near them print.

It is not blocks of cells that don't print, but rather somewhat random cells that are no different from their neighbors that do print.

There is nothing different about their formatting, in fact I tried using format painter from cells that were printing to cells that weren't, and they still didn't print afterward.

I have been working on these books over the last few weeks, and have shut down my computer peridically throughout this time.

The only cells in the workbooks that are not printing are those that are on sheets formatted as 11x17 in page setup, and they are only in the bottom half of the sheets (landscape orientation). But some cells in the bottom halves of the sheets print fine.

If I change the sheets to letter size the cells print fine.

This is most puzzling... anyone have any suggestions?