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Work Days Formula

  1. #1
    Hany ElKady

    Work Days Formula

    Anyone know how I can calculate the working days between two dates on a
    sheet. My working week is from Sunday - Thursday, and the dates are stored in
    pairs with start date and end date.

    I am leaveing VB as the last resort for this.

    Any Ideas ?

    Hany ElKady
    Professional Services Architect
    Technology & Service Delivery

  2. #2

    Re: Work Days Formula


    Try this:

    A1 = start date
    B1 = end date


    This doesn't account for holidays. If you need to account for holidays post


    "Hany ElKady" <HanyElKady@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Anyone know how I can calculate the working days between two dates on a
    > sheet. My working week is from Sunday - Thursday, and the dates are stored
    > in
    > pairs with start date and end date.
    > I am leaveing VB as the last resort for this.
    > Any Ideas ?
    > --
    > Hany ElKady
    > Professional Services Architect
    > Technology & Service Delivery

  3. #3
    Hany ElKady

    Re: Work Days Formula

    Thanks Biff, that is a very nice trick with the row formula, never knew you
    could do that, can you explain also the meaning of the "- -" part ?

    Is there a way to change the standard weekdays since you are assuming
    saturday sunday are off.

    Hany ElKady
    Professional Services Architect
    Technology & Service Delivery

    "Biff" wrote:

    > Hi!
    > Try this:
    > A1 = start date
    > B1 = end date
    > This doesn't account for holidays. If you need to account for holidays post
    > back.
    > Biff
    > "Hany ElKady" <HanyElKady@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > news:45EB2F10-3936-4078-9466-F0BC424E4D84@microsoft.com...
    > > Anyone know how I can calculate the working days between two dates on a
    > > sheet. My working week is from Sunday - Thursday, and the dates are stored
    > > in
    > > pairs with start date and end date.
    > >
    > > I am leaveing VB as the last resort for this.
    > >
    > > Any Ideas ?
    > >
    > > --
    > > Hany ElKady
    > > Professional Services Architect
    > > Technology & Service Delivery


  4. #4

    Re: Work Days Formula


    >can you explain also the meaning of the "- -" part ?

    This expression will return an array of boolean TRUEs and FALSEs:


    The "--" converts those to 1's and 0's (TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0)

    And then Sumproduct just sums those numbers.

    For more info:



    > Is there a way to change the standard weekdays since you are assuming
    > saturday sunday are off.

    The formula as written is based on Friday Saturday off.

    The Weekday function uses 3 possible arguments to define when a week starts
    and ends:

    1 (used by default if omitted) = Sunday = 1 - Saturday = 7
    2 = Monday = 1 - Sunday = 7
    3 = Monday = 0 - Sumday = 6

    Since I omitted that argument the default is 1: Sunday = 1 - Saturday = 7

    Under the default, Thursday is weekday 5.

    So, the formula is simply counting the weekdays that are less than weekday 6


    "Hany ElKady" <HanyElKady@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Thanks Biff, that is a very nice trick with the row formula, never knew
    > you
    > could do that, can you explain also the meaning of the "- -" part ?
    > Is there a way to change the standard weekdays since you are assuming
    > saturday sunday are off.
    > --
    > Hany ElKady
    > Professional Services Architect
    > Technology & Service Delivery
    > "Biff" wrote:
    >> Hi!
    >> Try this:
    >> A1 = start date
    >> B1 = end date
    >> This doesn't account for holidays. If you need to account for holidays
    >> post
    >> back.
    >> Biff
    >> "Hany ElKady" <HanyElKady@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    >> news:45EB2F10-3936-4078-9466-F0BC424E4D84@microsoft.com...
    >> > Anyone know how I can calculate the working days between two dates on a
    >> > sheet. My working week is from Sunday - Thursday, and the dates are
    >> > stored
    >> > in
    >> > pairs with start date and end date.
    >> >
    >> > I am leaveing VB as the last resort for this.
    >> >
    >> > Any Ideas ?
    >> >
    >> > --
    >> > Hany ElKady
    >> > Professional Services Architect
    >> > Technology & Service Delivery


  5. #5
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: Work Days Formula

    On Fri, 30 Jun 2006 22:43:01 -0700, Hany ElKady
    <HanyElKady@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote:

    >Anyone know how I can calculate the working days between two dates on a
    >sheet. My working week is from Sunday - Thursday, and the dates are stored in
    >pairs with start date and end date.
    >I am leaveing VB as the last resort for this.
    >Any Ideas ?


    If you need to include holidays, then try this **array-entered** formula:


    To **array-enter** a formula, after typing it in, hold down <ctrl><shift> while
    hitting <enter>. Excel will place braces {...} around the formula.


  6. #6
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    My preference would be to use Ron's NETWORKDAYS suggestion but if you don't want to use Analysis ToolPak functions and you don't need to exclude holidays....


  7. #7

    Re: Work Days Formula

    > =SUM(INT((WEEKDAY(A1-{1,2,3,4,5})+B1-A1)/7))

    What's the logic behind this?

    I fully understand the "mechanics" but what's the logic?


    "daddylonglegs" <daddylonglegs.2a9mup_1151755803.028@excelforum-nospam.com>
    wrote in message
    > My preference would be to use Ron's NETWORKDAYS suggestion but if you
    > don't want to use Analysis ToolPak functions and you don't need to
    > exclude holidays....
    > =SUM(INT((WEEKDAY(A1-{1,2,3,4,5})+B1-A1)/7))
    > --
    > daddylonglegs
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > daddylonglegs's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=30486
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=557543

  8. #8
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    Hi Biff,

    This formula


    gives a total of all Suns, Mons, Tues Weds and Thus in the period A1 to B1. It's an extension of a formula like


    which will give a count the number of Sundays between A1 and B1 (inclusive).

    I find it easiest to explain with an example. If A1 is 1st June and B1 is 30th of June, how many Sundays are there between the two?

    The answer can be deduced if the weekday of 1st June is known, if it's a Saturday or a Sunday then there are 5 Sundays in the period, otherwise 4.

    Equating that to the above formula, when A1 is a Sunday

    =INT((WEEKDAY(A1-1)+B1-A1)/7) becomes


    when A1 is a Saturday..


    but when A1 is a Thursday...



    The formula can be used to count any day or combination of days between any two dates.

  9. #9

    Re: Work Days Formula

    >The formula can be used to count any day or combination of days between
    >any two dates.

    Yes, I've tested it rather extensively.

    Although the solution I offered isn't the most efficient, having to generate
    an array and using a volatile function, but I do think it's more intuitive,
    at least it is to me. I couldn't figure the logic behind the other formula.


    "daddylonglegs" <daddylonglegs.2ae77c_1151968802.4846@excelforum-nospam.com>
    wrote in message
    > Hi Biff,
    > This formula
    > =SUM(INT((WEEKDAY(A1-{1,2,3,4,5})+B1-A1)/7))
    > gives a total of all Suns, Mons, Tues Weds and Thus in the period A1 to
    > B1. It's an extension of a formula like
    > =INT((WEEKDAY(A1-1)+B1-A1)/7)
    > which will give a count the number of Sundays between A1 and B1
    > (inclusive).
    > I find it easiest to explain with an example. If A1 is 1st June and B1
    > is 30th of June, how many Sundays are there between the two?
    > The answer can be deduced if the weekday of 1st June is known, if it's
    > a Saturday or a Sunday then there are 5 Sundays in the period,
    > otherwise 4.
    > Equating that to the above formula, when A1 is a Sunday
    > =INT((WEEKDAY(A1-1)+B1-A1)/7) becomes
    > =INT((7+29)/7)=5
    > when A1 is a Saturday..
    > =INT((6+29)/7)=5
    > but when A1 is a Thursday...
    > =INT((5+29)/7)=4
    > etc.
    > The formula can be used to count any day or combination of days between
    > any two dates.
    > --
    > daddylonglegs
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > daddylonglegs's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=30486
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=557543

  10. #10
    Hany ElKady

    Re: Work Days Formula

    That is a very clever way of doing it. Just for completness sake, and so that
    everyone may benifit. Do you have another trick to remove certain days
    (holidays) from the list while counting ?

    Hany ElKady
    Professional Services Architect
    Technology & Service Delivery

    "daddylonglegs" wrote:

    > My preference would be to use Ron's NETWORKDAYS suggestion but if you
    > don't want to use Analysis ToolPak functions and you don't need to
    > exclude holidays....
    > =SUM(INT((WEEKDAY(A1-{1,2,3,4,5})+B1-A1)/7))
    > --
    > daddylonglegs
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > daddylonglegs's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=30486
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=557543

  11. #11
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    Microsoft 365
    Quote Originally Posted by Hany ElKady
    Just for completness sake, and so that
    everyone may benifit. Do you have another trick to remove certain days
    (holidays) from the list while counting ?
    As I said above, I think Ron's Networkdays suggestion is the easiest but......

    You could exclude holidays with


    where holidays is a named range containing all holiday dates

    although it might be simpler just to extend Biff's suggestion to


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