I am having no luck searching for a solution for this...
Does anybody know of a way to generate a 'readable' document based on
Excel document in Windows XP? My preferable format is HTML, but I can
use anything that Windows Xp can natively display.
I want to create a formatted document on-the-fly from an Excel Document
(or Access database, or a CSV file.) My source file will be a sort of
database where each field would require a different type of formatting.
e.g. if I had
Active,John, 21 format st., What do you think he is doing...
Active,Mary , 11 format st., What do you think she is doing...
INActive,joe, 1 down st., he is doing nothing...
I would want the readable format to be displayed on a conditional read
of the header CATEGORY, such that if CATEGORY = Active, display
(in big bold font) John
(smaller font) 21 format st.
(italics) What do you think he is doing...
Any ideas?