Nel post news:%23Tl0q7zlGHA.3924@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl
*Franz Verga* ha scritto:
> Nel post news:Ox6af0zlGHA.3980@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl
> *Franz Verga* ha scritto:
>> Nel post
>> *Digital2k* ha scritto:
>>> I'm in the Insurance business and when I sell a product I have an
>>> expected date that I think it will get approved and get paid. One of
>>> the products, product "M" must get paid before the third Wednesday
>>> of the month if not then it will go the following month.
>>> I want to create a spreadsheet that will automatically make the
>>> adjustment by changing the month paid if the product is product "m"
>>> and the expected date paid is after the third Wednesday of the
>>> month. How can I create a formula that will do this? please help
>>> and thank you in advance.
>> Maybe I found a starting point:
>> =IF(AND(DAY(A30)>=15,DAY(A30)<=21,B30="M"),MONTH(A30)+1,MONTH(A30))
>> where A30 is the cell in which you have your date and B30 is the cell
>> with product.
>> The formula returns the number of the month (6 for June, 7 for July,
>> and so on), you can format the cell to display the name by menu
>> Format, Cells, select the tab Number, choose Custum under Category,
>> type mmm or mmmm if you want the short or the long name of the month.
> Just a little correction...
> To have just the name of month you need to switch to this formula:
> =DATE(YEAR(A30),IF(AND(DAY(A30)>=15,DAY(A30)<=21,B30="M"),MONTH(A30)+1,MONTH(A30)),1)
> and format as I wrote above.
> If, instead you want to use this month's number to construct a new
> date, use this one:
> =DATE(YEAR(A31),IF(AND(DAY(A30)>=15,DAY(A30)<=21,B30="M"),MONTH(A30)+1,MONTH(A30)),DAY(A31))
> where, maybe, in A31 you can have another date...
I think I was too sleepy...
This *do* the job:
Here in A2 you have the date to test and in B2 the product.
As above this formula returns just the number of a month, so if you want to
see it in plain text, you have to trasform it in a date and the format
properly, so use:
if you want just the name of the month or a new date (in C2 you can have a
date from which you can take the year and/or the day)
Hope I helped you.
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Franz Verga from Italy