Format A1:A79 as Custom dd-mmm-yy h:mm
Select A1
Hold down CTRL Key and hit semi-colon key then <space> bar.
Still holding CTRL key hit SHIFT key and semi-colon key.
Select A2 and enter =A1 + 1/1440
Drag/copy down to A79
Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
On 22 Jun 2006 16:10:13 -0700, ""
<> wrote:
>I would like to know if there is a way to set up when I enter the data
>each cells on first row, it will default the date and time stamp on
>first row. 2nd row should have the different date and time stamp than
>1st row.
>I put "=now()" but it create the same date and time for 80 rows. I
>don't want that. I want to enter each rows and each rows should be
>different by one minute apart but same date - June 22.
>Your help would be much appreciated.