Hello, and thanks ahead of time for any assistance.

I am trying to discover a way to look at a table of values with assigned
dates and choose the greatest date for a specific value. For example, value
A has 3 dates assigned (see table below). I would like to be able to find
the greatest date assigned to value A, but ignoring any other dates for other
values, such as value B, value C, etc. Here is a simple table of data:

column a column b
row 1 A 2/5/2003
row 2 A 7/22/2005
row 3 A 5/5/2005
row 4 B 6/1/2002
row 5 B 9/17/2001
row 6 B 1/1/2001

I am hopeful to find a formula that will select 7/22/2005 for greatest date
of value A. Likewise, i'd like to be able to do the same for value B, value
C, etc., as well as find the least date (for example, 2/5/2003 for value A).

Thanks again for any help.

-To conquer without risk is to triumph without glory- El Cid