I know that MS Word has Version saving under the File=>Versions... menu.
Does Excel have the same functionality in a different location. I can't find
I know that MS Word has Version saving under the File=>Versions... menu.
Does Excel have the same functionality in a different location. I can't find
It's under File -> Save As -> Save As Type:
Google is your best friend!
I'm probably confused or didn't ask the question correctly.
In Word, if I click File, and Versions..., I can save version 1, version 2,
version 3, etc. of the same document. I don't have to append the name with a
"v2" or anything, as in a "Save As".
I'm not trying to save Excel 2003 files as another version of Excel. I'm
just trying to keep a history for roll-back purposes of a single document.
"Bearacade" wrote:
> It's under File -> Save As -> Save As Type:
> --
> Bearacade
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Bearacade's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=35016
> View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=552718
Sorry, I misunderstood. Unfortunately, as far as I know, excel doesn't have this feature...
You could use change tracking, that will keep a history of changes from the
time you turn it on.
"Bruce" <Bruce@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> I'm probably confused or didn't ask the question correctly.
> In Word, if I click File, and Versions..., I can save version 1, version
> 2,
> version 3, etc. of the same document. I don't have to append the name
> with a
> "v2" or anything, as in a "Save As".
> I'm not trying to save Excel 2003 files as another version of Excel. I'm
> just trying to keep a history for roll-back purposes of a single document.
> "Bearacade" wrote:
>> It's under File -> Save As -> Save As Type:
>> --
>> Bearacade
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Bearacade's Profile:
>> http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=35016
>> View this thread:
>> http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=552718
Hi. Here's a general workaround that I use.
I have a toolbar button that runs code similar to the following. The idea
here is that vba has a "SaveCopyAs" command. What this does is saves a copy
of your workbook under a different name, but leaves the original workbook
name unchanged.
There are 100's of ways to write this. This is just a general idea.
This saves your workbook using the original name, but to make it different,
appends the date to the file name.
Hope there are some ideas here that you can use.
Sub SaveCopyOfFile()
Dim s As String
Const FileLocation As String = "C:\UnderDevelopment\"
s = FileLocation & ActiveWorkbook.Name
s = s & Space(1) & Format(Now, "yyyy mm dd Hh Nn Ss")
s = s & ".xls"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs s
End Sub
HTH. :>)
Dana DeLouis
Windows XP, Office 2003
"Bruce" <Bruce@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> I'm probably confused or didn't ask the question correctly.
> In Word, if I click File, and Versions..., I can save version 1, version
> 2,
> version 3, etc. of the same document. I don't have to append the name
> with a
> "v2" or anything, as in a "Save As".
> I'm not trying to save Excel 2003 files as another version of Excel. I'm
> just trying to keep a history for roll-back purposes of a single document.
> "Bearacade" wrote:
>> It's under File -> Save As -> Save As Type:
>> --
>> Bearacade
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Bearacade's Profile:
>> http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=35016
>> View this thread:
>> http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=552718
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