You may want to look at Data|Autofilter. It works like what you describe.

Debra Dalgleish has some notes:

choop wrote:
> I have a file with 3000 lines and 4 columns:
> 1) Kingdom
> 2) Phylum
> 3) Class
> 4) Order
> As you can imagine, all of the "order" entries are unique, as well as
> every line in the file.
> How can I create a cascading dropdown in excel that will allow me to
> choose my Kingdom, then have the next dropdown automatically
> pre-populate with the appropriate phlyum. Then class will prepopulate,
> and then obviously order...
> I want to make it simple for a person to make selections from the
> shortest possible list.
> I was going to do this with named lists and the indirect function, but
> there would literally be over one hundred named lists. Is there any
> other way to do this?
> Thanks!


Dave Peterson