how can I reverse the characters of cells.
(data) (should be)
12345 54321
2456 6542
asdf fdsa
23 32
any formula which can do this?
how can I reverse the characters of cells.
(data) (should be)
12345 54321
2456 6542
asdf fdsa
23 32
any formula which can do this?
Can't think of a generic formula but you could use VBA. Position cursor
over the cell you want to reverse and then run RunReverseData
Sub RunReverseData()
Dim CellAddress as string
CellAddress = Activecell.Address
Call ReverseData(CellAddress)
End Sub
Sub ReverseData(byval CellRef as string)
Dim i as Integer
Dim Data as string
Dim ShouldBe as string
Data = Range(CellRef).Value
for i = 1 to Len(Data)
ShouldBe=ShouldBe & Mid(Data,Len(Data) - (i-1),1)
Next i
Range(CellRef).Value = ShouldBe
End Sub
thanks but I need formula. any guru... on this problem
starguy wrote:
> how can I reverse the characters of cells.
> (data) (should be)
> 12345 54321
> 2456 6542
> asdf fdsa
> 23 32
> any formula which can do this?
If you know the maximum size of the string in a cell (I shall assume 16)
starguy wrote:
> how can I reverse the characters of cells.
> (data) (should be)
> 12345 54321
> 2456 6542
> asdf fdsa
> 23 32
> any formula which can do this?
alternatively, change the reversedata sub into a function:
Function ReverseData(cellcont)
Dim i As Integer
Dim ShouldBe As String
ShouldBe = ""
For i = 1 To Len(cellcont)
ShouldBe = ShouldBe & Mid(cellcont, Len(cellcont) - (i - 1), 1)
Next i
ReverseData = ShouldBe
End Function
thanks its good and easy but too much lengthy to type especially when I have to use it frequently but with different data.
starguy wrote:
> thanks its good and easy but too much lengthy to type especially when
> I have to use it frequently but with different data.
What is too lengthy to type?
this formula of MID...
Originally Posted by Paul Lautman
starguy wrote:
> this formula of MID...
> Paul Lautman Wrote:
>> starguy wrote:
>>> thanks its good and easy but too much lengthy to type especially
>>> when I have to use it frequently but with different data.
>> Confused???
>> What is too lengthy to type?
Well, first of all you posted the statment attached to my post about the VBA
function not the MID one. With the VBA function you only need to type
something like =ReverseData(A1) in a cell or possibly
=PERSONAL.XLS!ReverseData(A1) depending on where you stored the UDF.
Secondly, you say "when I have to use it frequently but with different
data". The different data makes no difference to what you need to enter, the
formula remains the same.
Thirdly, when I have a long formula like that that I need to use often, I
either make it into a UDF (which I offered you) or if I want to always do it
in pure Excel functions, I certainly don't retype it every time I want to
use it!!! I store functions like this in a workbook and copy and paste them
to other books whenever I need them. If you always retype formulas then more
fool you!
this formula of MID...
Originally Posted by Paul Lautman
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