Thanks. My original query was probably not clear. If A1:Z1 is "Yes" then I
want the cell to compute to your answer times a multiplier. If "No" I want
the cell to compute to exactly your answer (multiplier =1).


"Bob Phillips" wrote:

> =SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:Z1="Yes"),A2:Z2,A3:Z3)
> --
> Bob Phillips
> (replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)
> "Ben010" <> wrote in message
> > I want to get the sumproduct of two rows of numbers based on an IF

> condition
> > in a related row. The formula would look like this:
> > =Sumproduct(a2:z2, a3:z3)* Multiplier if a1:z1="Yes", otherwise Multiplier

> =1
> > So if a1="Yes" then the product would be a2*a3*M; if b1<>"Yes" then the
> > product would be b2*b3*1. Any ideas?
