Could you be more specific?
Dynamic in which dimension?
Rows or Columns?
Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit !
"Manfred" <> wrote in message
I have a dynamic input range and would like to replace the 5 in your
formula with
ROWS(MyArray), but that don't work.
RagDyeR wrote:
> You could enter this formula in A6,
> And copy down to A20,
> And it will return the contents of the cells of B1 to D5:
> =INDEX($B$1:$D$5,MOD(ROWS($1:1)-1,5)+1,ROWS($1:5)/5)
> Actually, you could enter this formula *anywhere*,
> And copying it down,
> will return the contents of the cells, starting in B1 out to D5.
> --
> HTH,
> RD
> =====================================================
> Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!
> =====================================================
> "Jeff" <> wrote in message
> news:%23u3ZnqMjGHA.1260@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> Is there a nifty neato way to put a range of values into a single column
> without a lot of manual
> cutting and pasting and without VBA programming?
> For example, if I have 5 rows of numbers in columns A, B, C, D, can I
> the range B1:D5 and
> dump all 15 numbers into column A? The TRANSPOSE function doesn't work
> this type of range.
> Thanks...
> Jeff