Do you have any macro's set up in the workbook? If so, check these as
one of them may be switching Calculation to Manual and not switching it
back again.
Roger Govier
"gstevens26" <gstevens26.28xoxf_1149519079.0964@excelforum-nospam.com>
wrote in message
> I have a problem in that I use a spreadsheet which uses automatic
> calculation. When I open the spreadsheet it calculates automatically
> but every now and again it switches the calculation to manual whilst I
> have the spreadsheet open... I haven't opened any other spreadsheets
> in
> this time so it can't be linked to the startup state of a particular
> spreadsheet or to excel itself. If I turn the automatic calculation
> back on using tools/options it starts working again...
> Can anyone help. It's really doing my head in and is causing me some
> problems...
> Thanks
> --
> gstevens26
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