DATA TABLE ___________________ /|\ DDE

Greetings. I am requesting assistance. I have a data table which contains the following columns: TIME, OPEN, HIGH, LOW, CLOSE. This information was obtained separately from a Dynamic Data Exchange, which has only one field: PRICE.

My goal is to record new HIGH values in the current HIGH cell. I attempted to do so with the following: "=if(PRICE>HIGH, PRICE, HIGH)" but it does not work because once PRICE dips under the old HIGH value, the old HIGH value returns. Needless to say, the new HIGH value was not recorded.

I've written a macro that can perform this, but I can not monitor each data table to run the macro when required. I have sought to incorporate the macro into an IF Function, but have not yet found a way. Perhaps there is a better approach I have not thought of yet.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.