maybe break the text into smaller "chunks or ry pasting into word to see if
you can do it there and paste back
remove nospam for email addy!
"glennwhite" wrote:
> Thanks Paul. Unfortunately your suggested solution does not achieve the
> desired goal. The problem is that the text contained in the EXCEL cell
> (I have tried with both General and with text format) can contain up to
> 1500 - 2000 characters distributed into several hundred words. The
> overall EXCEL .xls file is about 10 MB size, and contains about 3000
> rows with up to 17 coloumns. Trying your replace <*> trick just on the
> column that I am trying to strip the html markupo from in EXCEL gives
> me an error meaasage saying 'Formula is too long'. Importing the whole
> .xls file into ACCESS, and trying the same replace operation on the
> column in question also gives an ACCESS error: 'There isn't enough free
> memory to continue the search'
> So, the resolution to this problem is a little appears to be a little
> more subtle than a simple replace <*>, and is presumably related to the
> size of the information in the cell. I am running on XP with a pentium
> laptop with 1 GB of physical RAM, with about 600 MBytes which is free
> of other processes (and hence available to EXCEL in principal), and 2.2
> GBytes of free page file space.
> Many thanks for any futher suggestions to help solve this problem
> Glenn White
> --
> glennwhite
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