i assume the text is in a normal cell or do you mean a text box?I tried a
little test with find and replace and find <*> and in the replace box leave
blank /replace all
remove nospam for email addy!

"glennwhite" wrote:

> I have a worksheet containing text extracted from a web page that still
> includes html markup tags, or example <BR>, <font etc and all the other
> normal html markup codes. This is stored inside an EXCEL text cell. The
> rest of the Worksheet contains normal text, numberic and date data.
> Does anyone please know a way to automatically strip out all of the
> html markup tags from the single column that I have with these in,
> whilst leaving the rest of the worksheet unaffected? Many thanks if you
> can help solve this knotty little problem
> --
> glennwhite
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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