I'm currently creating a series of Macros. Each macro does a seperate report,
and contains IF statements and message boxes in order to deal with any
problems that may occur.
With these macros is another that brings up a series of questions mostly of
"Do you wish to run this report?"
If running on the reports an error occurs (an error in the calculation, like
A3 and B5 don't contain the same value) I want this main macro to "stop"
until this is corrected by the user, where it can continue. As it stands at
the moment a message box comes up saying "This report has an error, please
correct it and press continue" pressing the continue button on this report
will redo the macro for that particular report.
Unfortunatly the main macro shows this message, then because that report is
completed it moves onto the next one. So what I want is some way to pause the
macro while a user can look at different data, find any errors, fix them etc,
then press a button, enter a value somewhere, or anything to continue the