Thanks Bob, but i'm getting a #VALUE return with this. Have committed with there anything else I could have done wrong?



"Bob Phillips" wrote:

> =SUM(IF((TODAY()>A1:INDEX(A:A,MAX(IF(ISBLANK(G1:G65535),0,ROW(G1:G65535))))+
> 28)*
> (G1:INDEX(G:G,MAX(IF(ISBLANK(G1:G65535),0,ROW(G1:G65535))))=""),1))
> which is an array formula, it should be committed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter, not
> just Enter.
> --
> Bob Phillips
> (replace somewhere in email address with googlemail if mailing direct)
> "luvthavodka" <> wrote in message
> > I'm looking to count the number of blank cells in column G (only upto the
> > bottom of the data table I'm using - the length of which is unknown until

> the
> > end of the month, but only if the corresponding cell in column A (a date)

> is
> > greater than 28 days old. What formula should I use?
