I have a worksheet with a column that counts using COUNTA, everything
in a cell - text, numbers, all nonblank cells. But I don't want it to
count the occurrence of any of this text: "NA", "N/A", or "DI" (I do
want it to count all dates, the word "COMPLETED", and possibly other
data in the future.). Right now the formula is only excluding
occurrences of "NA" from the count:
How do I tell it to exclude counting either "NA", OR "N/A" OR "DI"? I
tried putting a comma after "NA", then putting "N/A", etc, but it
didn't work (neither did semicolons), like this:
For now I've put in three separate COUNTIF statements, like this:
....and it works, but it's so long, it looks sloppy and confusing and if
I want to add more criteria in the future, I don't want to make this
formula a mile long. Isn't there an easier way to do it? I guess my
main question is, is there somewhere I can see a list of the many
formula calculation operators in Excel, especially the criteria
separator(s)? I found a list of the different operators and what they
do in the Excel Help menu, but I still can't find the answer or an
example of how to put my text exclusions together in the formula.