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Horizontal Filtering

  1. #1

    Horizontal Filtering

    Hello I have a List in which I can filter vertically for a certain entry, but
    then I would like to be able to filter horizontally in the way that I just
    want to see the nonblanks and to hide the blanks, is that possible somehow?

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Peo Sjoblom

    RE: Horizontal Filtering

    Not with anything built in


    Peo Sjoblom

    "Ed" wrote:

    > Hello I have a List in which I can filter vertically for a certain entry, but
    > then I would like to be able to filter horizontally in the way that I just
    > want to see the nonblanks and to hide the blanks, is that possible somehow?
    > thanks in advance

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Question same problem - horizontal filter

    How can I filter horizontally? I just want to do exactly what I do vertically so I can consolidate a large grid with the same headings... I also need to be able to expand quickly and easily.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Exclamation ?

    Is this simply not possible?

  5. #5
    Gord Dibben

    Re: Horizontal Filtering

    Not possible AFAIK

    Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

    On Tue, 22 Aug 2006 16:21:11 -0400, bepierson
    <bepierson.2cykft_1156278308.2045@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:

    >Is this simply not possible?

  6. #6
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Horizontal Filtering

    If you want to do it exactly, you're out of luck.

    But you may want to try Data|Group and outline. It may be sufficient.

    bepierson wrote:
    > How can I filter horizontally? I just want to do exactly what I do
    > vertically so I can consolidate a large grid with the same headings...
    > I also need to be able to expand quickly and easily.
    > Does anyone have any ideas?
    > --
    > bepierson
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > bepierson's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=37900
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=546043


    Dave Peterson

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