Here's what I'm looking for: A way to have a value generated below reflect the letter that corresponds with a dollar tier listed below. (the tiers change, the letters are fixed.)

Tier Low High
A $1,500.00 $4,499.99
B $4,500.00 $7,499.99
C $7,500.00 $16,999.99
D $17,000.00 $26,499.99
E $26,500.00 $9,999,999.00

The Tier letters in the first column are set, the users input the tier dollar amounts.

Below there is a cell that spits out a total amount and I want it to display the letter for the corresponding tier. No matter what I do I can't get it to work.

Basically I want it to say something like this:
If E37 is equal to or greater than the cell that corresponds with 1500 but less than the cell that corresponds with 4500 than display the cell that shows Tier A, If it's equal to or greater than 4500 and less than the cell with 7500 than show B, etc. so it takes that one number and spits out what letter tier and if its not in any tier it shows no value or -.

Is this possible and what's the easiest way?