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Converting time to decimal

  1. #1

    Converting time to decimal

    Hi I have a cell with time in it - the cell is formatted to [hh]:mm what I
    need to do is convert this so that instead of saying 32:15 to say 32.25 -
    does anyone know how to do this - I would be so gratful!!

    dawnyanne x

  2. #2

    Re: Converting time to decimal

    why would you want to? However, if you miltiply it by 24 you will get
    the result you want (which is also why I wouldn't as any cell that
    references it can simply multiply by 24 if required)

  3. #3

    Re: Converting time to decimal

    HI Aidan - you are an absolute star!!!! I have been trying to sort this out
    for ages - what an idiot! I work for 3 companies - on hourly rates - some
    have decimal spreadsheets others in time - trying to combine them all is a
    nightmare - but not now - thanks to you. I can thank you enough xxxx

    "[email protected]" wrote:

    > why would you want to? However, if you miltiply it by 24 you will get
    > the result you want (which is also why I wouldn't as any cell that
    > references it can simply multiply by 24 if required)

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