are In addition to my previous issue, I think there some spaces entered to
end of text. I think I have to look for a way to delete these extra spaces.
Is there any way?
Rasoul Khoshravan Azar
Civil Engineer, Osaka, Japan
"Khoshravan" wrote:
> I import PipeID from an engineering software about pipe analysis (EPNET).
> and put them in column A:A, like A1:KP51.
> When I perform LEN functionin this cell, LEN(A1), it returns 17. I suppose
> it should return 4
> I cant understand why.
> I have these pipID (like KP51) made by excel as well.
> When I want to perform countif, on these PipeID's, it doesn't work. I think
> I have to change the format of this column
> --
> Rasoul Khoshravan Azar
> Civil Engineer, Osaka, Japan