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Macro to Automate Saving

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  1. #1

    Macro to Automate Saving


    Current Manual Process for Sales Data by Branch is:-

    Open Workbook A (List of all data by operative with branch code in column a,
    operative in B, with the remaing columns containing all the data.)

    Open B

    Type the branch code in a cell, vlookups then pull all the data for that
    branch by operator.

    That bit I'm happy with.

    That file is then copied and paste specialled in a new workbook, which is
    saved with the branchcode as a file name.

    I'd love a Macro which works through a list of branch codes, pulls the data
    from wookbook A by vlookup, then pastes the values to a vew workbook which
    it saves with the branchcode as the file name.

    Can anyone suggest a macro to do this ?

  2. #2
    Ardus Petus

    Re: Macro to Automate Saving

    It would help a lot if you could post some sample data of Workbook A, or
    better still, upload it to http://cjoint.com and post back the link.


    "Rich" <nosp@amnospam.net> a écrit dans le message de news:
    > Hi,
    > Current Manual Process for Sales Data by Branch is:-
    > Open Workbook A (List of all data by operative with branch code in column
    > a, operative in B, with the remaing columns containing all the data.)
    > Open B
    > Type the branch code in a cell, vlookups then pull all the data for that
    > branch by operator.
    > That bit I'm happy with.
    > That file is then copied and paste specialled in a new workbook, which is
    > saved with the branchcode as a file name.
    > I'd love a Macro which works through a list of branch codes, pulls the
    > data from wookbook A by vlookup, then pastes the values to a vew workbook
    > which it saves with the branchcode as the file name.
    > Can anyone suggest a macro to do this ?

  3. #3

    Re: Macro to Automate Saving

    "Ardus Petus" <ardus.petus@laposte.net> wrote in message
    > It would help a lot if you could post some sample data of Workbook A, or
    > better still, upload it to http://cjoint.com and post back the link.
    > TIA
    > --
    > AP
    > "Rich" <nosp@amnospam.net> a écrit dans le message de news:
    > Vc2dnQOs7LJUmfbZnZ2dnUVZ8sidnZ2d@bt.com...
    >> Hi,
    >> Current Manual Process for Sales Data by Branch is:-
    >> Open Workbook A (List of all data by operative with branch code in column
    >> a, operative in B, with the remaing columns containing all the data.)
    >> Open B
    >> Type the branch code in a cell, vlookups then pull all the data for that
    >> branch by operator.
    >> That bit I'm happy with.
    >> That file is then copied and paste specialled in a new workbook, which is
    >> saved with the branchcode as a file name.
    >> I'd love a Macro which works through a list of branch codes, pulls the
    >> data from wookbook A by vlookup, then pastes the values to a vew workbook
    >> which it saves with the branchcode as the file name.
    >> Can anyone suggest a macro to do this ?

    If I've done it right, the sample data is here :-


  4. #4

    Re: Macro to Automate Saving

    "Ardus Petus" <ardus.petus@laposte.net> wrote in message
    > It would help a lot if you could post some sample data of Workbook A, or
    > better still, upload it to http://cjoint.com and post back the link.
    > TIA
    > --
    > AP
    > "Rich" <nosp@amnospam.net> a écrit dans le message de news:
    > Vc2dnQOs7LJUmfbZnZ2dnUVZ8sidnZ2d@bt.com...
    >> Hi,
    >> Current Manual Process for Sales Data by Branch is:-
    >> Open Workbook A (List of all data by operative with branch code in column
    >> a, operative in B, with the remaing columns containing all the data.)
    >> Open B
    >> Type the branch code in a cell, vlookups then pull all the data for that
    >> branch by operator.
    >> That bit I'm happy with.
    >> That file is then copied and paste specialled in a new workbook, which is
    >> saved with the branchcode as a file name.
    >> I'd love a Macro which works through a list of branch codes, pulls the
    >> data from wookbook A by vlookup, then pastes the values to a vew workbook
    >> which it saves with the branchcode as the file name.
    >> Can anyone suggest a macro to do this ?

    If I've done it OK, the sample data is here:-


    In that small sample, the second workbook would lookup the data from ytg567,
    then I'd save it under filename ytg567.xls.

    I want to automate working through the branch list, looking up the data and
    saving as branch name.

  5. #5

    Re: Macro to Automate Saving

    "Rich" <nosp@amnospam.net> wrote in message
    > "Ardus Petus" <ardus.petus@laposte.net> wrote in message
    > news:uAitEUaeGHA.1320@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
    >> It would help a lot if you could post some sample data of Workbook A, or
    >> better still, upload it to http://cjoint.com and post back the link.
    >> TIA
    >> --
    >> AP
    >> "Rich" <nosp@amnospam.net> a écrit dans le message de news:
    >> Vc2dnQOs7LJUmfbZnZ2dnUVZ8sidnZ2d@bt.com...
    >>> Hi,
    >>> Current Manual Process for Sales Data by Branch is:-
    >>> Open Workbook A (List of all data by operative with branch code in
    >>> column a, operative in B, with the remaing columns containing all the
    >>> data.)
    >>> Open B
    >>> Type the branch code in a cell, vlookups then pull all the data for that
    >>> branch by operator.
    >>> That bit I'm happy with.
    >>> That file is then copied and paste specialled in a new workbook, which
    >>> is saved with the branchcode as a file name.
    >>> I'd love a Macro which works through a list of branch codes, pulls the
    >>> data from wookbook A by vlookup, then pastes the values to a vew
    >>> workbook which it saves with the branchcode as the file name.
    >>> Can anyone suggest a macro to do this ?

    > If I've done it OK, the sample data is here:-
    > http://cjoint.com/?frqFibMWfC
    > In that small sample, the second workbook would lookup the data from
    > ytg567, then I'd save it under filename ytg567.xls.
    > I want to automate working through the branch list, looking up the data
    > and saving as branch name.

    Try this instead http://cjoint.com/?frqUcVcJ4s I should have checked the
    dummy data before I uploaded it !

  6. #6
    Ardus Petus

    Re: Macro to Automate Saving

    Here is your macro.

    See example: http://cjoint.com/?ftkyKVoGnc


    Option Explicit

    Sub SaveBranches()

    Dim rBranch As Range
    Dim lBranchCount As Long

    ' Create list of unique Branch codes
    Range("A1:A9").AdvancedFilter _
    Action:=xlFilterCopy, _
    CopyToRange:=Range("I1"), Unique:=True
    ' Check list size
    lBranchCount = Range("I1").End(xlDown).Row - 1
    If lBranchCount = Rows.Count - 1 Then
    MsgBox "Empty Branch list"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Loop thru branches
    For Each rBranch In Range("I2").Resize(lBranchCount)
    ' Filter data pertaining to current branch
    Range("A1:G1").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=rBranch.Value
    ' Copy filtered data
    ' Create new workbook
    ' Paste data, formats & col width
    Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll
    ' Save workbook
    With ActiveWorkbook
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    .SaveAs _
    Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & rBranch.Value & ".xls"
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End With
    ' Get back to data workbook
    Next rBranch
    ' Clean up
    ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
    Range("I1").Resize(lBranchCount + 1).ClearContents

    End Sub

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