<sizz1@hotmail.com> wrote in message

> 1:
> I need a formula which will calculate a specific word in excel
> (specific word=Industrial)
> I have already created a formula
> =COUNTIF(H10:E12,"*industrial*")
> It works fine in one specific range (E.g H10:E12). I need to add
> another range in that formula. Everytime i try, i get an error message.
> E.G H10: E12 AND F14:G20


> 2:
> In the same spreadsheet i have filled in some cells with different
> colours, using the fill tool
> Red
> Blue
> Green
> I need a forumla which will calculate each Red cell in a given range?
> I need a forumla which will calculate each Blue cell in a given range?
> I need a forumla which will calculate each Green cell in a given range?
> Again the range i need will be two different ranges. E.g A1:B5 and
> D1:D5

See http://www.xldynamic.com/source/xld.ColourCounter.html for a working