Thank you!! Works perfectly.


"Jim Cone" <jim.coneXXX@rcn.comXXX> skrev i meddelandet
> 1. Add "Option Private Module" at the top of the module
> or
> 2. Add an argument to the subs...
> Sub ValuableInformation (ByRef blnDummy as Boolean)
> End Sub
> Of course, then all calls to the sub would require an argument.
> or
> 3. Add an optional argument...
> Sub ConfusingData (Optional ByRef blnStuff As Boolean)
> End Sub
> Choice number 1 is my choice.
> --
> Jim Cone
> San Francisco, USA
> "PO" <h> wrote in message news:efNN2P4dGHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> Hello,
> Is there a way to suppress display of procedures in the macro window the
> user can run from the Tool menu from Excel?
> I can't make the subs private since they are in a general module and
> called
> from worksheet event procedures.
> Regards
> PO