
I am using the following equation as my Profitability Index:

{=IF(ISERROR(-NPV(Rate, IF(SIGN(CF)=1, CF, 0))/NPV(Rate, IF(SIGN(CF)=-1, CF,
"Not Applic.",
-NPV(Rate, IF(SIGN(CF)=1, CF, 0))/NPV(Rate, IF(SIGN(CF)=-1, CF, 0)))}

Rate=discount rate
CF=cash flow

I am simply taking NPV of positive values divided by NPV of negative values.
And if there is an error, a "Not Applic" note is displayed.

This is for a large project that spans more than one year during its
construction. So NPV of negative values is necessary.

Although the current equation works, is there a more elegant way of writing
this equation? Perhaps something that doesn't use formula arrays.

Thank you.

Best regards,