I have a User Form with a gazillion different items on it. It was half a
gazillion, but I needed twice as many. With half, it ran OK, both on a
machine with 512MB and one with 4GB. But after I increased it, I get an "out
of memory" message on both machines. Which leads me to believe there is some
kind of limit other than the machine's memory.

I can split the one form in to two forms, and only show one at a time, but
is there some other way to overcome the out of memory problem and still leave
all on the same form?

Also, if you have a couple hundred items (say, labels) on a form, and copy
and paste the entire group to another form (or another location on the same
form), and you want the names to be identical except for a number in the
name, is there any way to keep the the copy process from renaming each item
"Labeln", "Labeln+1", etc.?
Bill @ UAMS