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in the one cell add 5+13+22+6+ to get cumulative total each time?

  1. #1

    in the one cell add 5+13+22+6+ to get cumulative total each time?

    I want to be able to use a single cell to add and each time I add a new
    number it give a new total for example when I first insert 5 in a cell c3
    then in the same cell when I insert 13 it automatically shows 18 and when I
    insert 22 it automaticall shows 40 and whenI insert 6 it automatically shows
    46 etc etc.

  2. #2

    Re: in the one cell add 5+13+22+6+ to get cumulative total each time?

    Check out this link to John McGimpsey's web page on the subject:




    Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit !
    "hirsch" <hirsch@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > I want to be able to use a single cell to add and each time I add a new
    > number it give a new total for example when I first insert 5 in a cell c3
    > then in the same cell when I insert 13 it automatically shows 18 and when

    > insert 22 it automaticall shows 40 and whenI insert 6 it automatically

    > 46 etc etc.

  3. #3
    Peo Sjoblom

    Re: in the one cell add 5+13+22+6+ to get cumulative total each time?

    You need a macro for that,


    look for single cell accumulator



    Peo Sjoblom

    Excel 95 - Excel 2007
    Northwest Excel Solutions
    "It is a good thing to follow the first law of holes;
    if you are in one stop digging." Lord Healey

    "hirsch" <hirsch@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    >I want to be able to use a single cell to add and each time I add a new
    > number it give a new total for example when I first insert 5 in a cell c3
    > then in the same cell when I insert 13 it automatically shows 18 and when
    > I
    > insert 22 it automaticall shows 40 and whenI insert 6 it automatically
    > shows
    > 46 etc etc.

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