Maybe it is enaught standing in destination sheet (mon) use = sign and go to
source sheet (Servers)select which cell info o need to see in destination
and enter.
If I`m wrong could you sent a file with you structure maybe then i`ll better
understand you.
"Trip Poly" <> wrote in message
>I have a schedule with multiple sheets that I have made for my staff.
> What I am having trouble with is getting text from one sheet to another.
> I have Servers, Host, BarBus sheets as well as Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri,
> Sat,
> and Sun sheets.
> In the Servers sheet in A1 Column I have their names B1:O1 are their
> shifts. The
> setup is the same for Host and BArBus sheets.
> B1 has three shifts AM, OCA, XPOA
> B2 has four shifts PM, BR, OCP, XPOP
> What I can not figure out is how to pull the names of the people that are
> working.
> Example:
> On Sheet Mon I have
> Servers______Host______Bar_______Bus
> I need this sheet to look into Mon (B1) on the Server sheet and see who is
> working and list them.
> Example:
> Servers______Host______Bar_______Bus
> Mike_________Sara______Fred______Tom
> Will_________Billy_____Dan_______Jason
> Sam__________Ed________
> Jenn_________
> Bob__________
> Jane_________