Offset doesn't seem to pertain. I am not trying to calculate rows and
colums. I am trying to maintain a value that is pulled in by a formula. The
problem is the source data changes each month and the new information should
go into other cells. I need a formula that will automcatically pull
information in and make it resident on that cell so that when I download the
new information the next month it won't get copied over.
My formular tell excel (if cell reads X month & year, then collect
information from X cell and place it here) I will not only download the new
information onto the old but will change the Month name in the X cell. So if
that formula is still active it will now see that it does not read (March 06)
anymore and will place blanks in those end cells.
Does this make sense. I am so sorry, I know it's confusing
"Don Guillett" wrote:
> have a look in help index for OFFSET
> --
> Don Guillett
> SalesAid Software
> "Rebecca" <> wrote in message
> >I need to have values retained in cells and deactivate formula after use so
> > the subsequent formula can access same criteria cell for new information
> > only
> > to be placed in new cells.
> >
> > Steps:
> >
> > Report downloaded each month onto Spreadsheet entitled 1.
> >
> > Title page (Natl Rank) for report reads current Month.
> > =IF('Natl Rank!$C$1="Month of March 06",'1'!$C$26."")
> > Enters value in cell based on C1 text reading "Month of March 06"
> >
> > Cells directly to theright of the March cells are April cells.
> > Following month same cell Natl Rank C1 text gets changed to read Month of
> > April
> > =IF('Natl Rank!$C$1="Month of April 06",'1'!$C$27."")
> >
> > March column goes blank. April column fills in
> >
> > I need the data collected for March to be retained somehow but the report
> > that this data is coming from is over written each month. New month's
> > data
> > is to be placed in cells next to the preexisting March data. If I change
> > the
> > text to read Month of April from March my cells for March go blank. When
> > I
> > overwrite the existing report for the new months data, the data inside the
> > March cells change and shouldn't, --
> >
> > Should I create a macro to copy the March data before the new download and
> > Paste Special the values? If I do that then I am wiping out my formulas I
> > go
> > but get to retain the data.
> > Rebecca
> >
> > --
> > Rebecca