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hide/unhide macro

  1. #1

    hide/unhide macro

    right now i am using the group and ungroup from the data menu to hide
    particular rows. i need help (i fairly new to this) creating a macro that
    when either a toggle button, or command button is pressed will hide/unhide
    the row above it. for instance rows 4&5 are grouped, but row four is
    hidden... how can i create a button to put on row 5 to hide/unhide row 4? i
    don't like grouping the rows because when i protect the sheet you cannot
    group or ungroup the rows...

  2. #2

    RE: hide/unhide macro

    The easiest way to do this is to record one macro to hide and another to
    unhide ("Tools", "Macro", "Record New Macro"). Then assign the macros to
    buttons, or drawing objects by right clicking on them and selecting "Assign

    "Matt" wrote:

    > right now i am using the group and ungroup from the data menu to hide
    > particular rows. i need help (i fairly new to this) creating a macro that
    > when either a toggle button, or command button is pressed will hide/unhide
    > the row above it. for instance rows 4&5 are grouped, but row four is
    > hidden... how can i create a button to put on row 5 to hide/unhide row 4? i
    > don't like grouping the rows because when i protect the sheet you cannot
    > group or ungroup the rows...

  3. #3
    Dave O

    Re: hide/unhide macro

    The code that follows will unhide the row immediately above the active
    cell. You can attach that to a button and place the button on row 5-
    but will you need it in other places as well? Having a button for
    every row that *might* be hidden would be chunky and ugly and tedious.
    As an alternative you might freeze the sprdsht panes in such a way that
    the upper left corner is always visible, and place the button there.

    FYI This code contains a command that lands the cell pointer on column
    A of the unhidden row- you can change or delete that as you like.

    Sub Unhide_Row_Above()
    Dim Roe As Long

    Roe = ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Row
    Rows(Roe & ":" & Roe).Select
    Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = False
    Range("a" & Roe).Select
    End Sub

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