> "mjones" <michele@quality-computing.com> wrote in message
> news:1144276514.433290.84730@u72g2000cwu.googlegroups.com...
> I have found that the corner colour is the same as the colour for the
> bottom/top border.
Testing in XL97 it looks like that in the Format > Cells > Borders viewer
with the bottom/top colour always dominant but on the sheet it seems that -
very roughly - the darker/bolder the colour the more likely it is that it
will be the dominant colour. For example Black seems to dominate over all
other colours with Blue the next in decending order of darkness but I have
not exhaustively tested this out.
In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
Replace@mailinator.com with @tiscali.co.uk
"Marcus Fox" <please-reply-via-newsgroup-th@-i-posted-to.com> wrote in
message news:8HZYf.10669$ic1.8239@newsfe5-win.ntli.net...
> "mjones" <michele@quality-computing.com> wrote in message
> news:1144276514.433290.84730@u72g2000cwu.googlegroups.com...
>> Hi,
>> I'm wondering is anyone knows the rule is on which border takes the
>> corner color.
>> For example, I have gray on the bottom and light blue on the right and
>> the corner between them is gray, but when I change the light blue to a
>> darker blue, the corner becomes dark blue. I need both these colors or
>> something close to them to work the same.
>> The files will be viewed in PDF and that's where you can see it, not in
>> Excel. You have to blow it up a bit. Sounds like a picky thing, but
>> the appearance of the document is really important and has a very large
>> audience.
> I have found that the corner colour is the same as the colour for the
> bottom/top border.
> Marcus