Debra Dalgleish posted this to a similar question about formatting

There's an article on the Microsoft web site that might help you:

Answer Box: Numbers don't merge right in Word

And if you prefer the old Mail Merge helper, Word MVP Suzanne Barnhill
has instructions here:

about half way down the page.

b_walls1 wrote:
> I am using a word document to mail merge data from an excel spreadsheet.
> When i merge figures they appear perfect in the word doc if they are
> rounded, but if they are not rounded they appear with loads of figures
> after them for example if i place 5.5 in cell it will appear fine in
> the word doc but if i put 5.6 it would appear 5.5999999999999996 i
> would really appreciate any help. i have tried formatting it into
> different types text number s etc but no luck, i don't know where the
> error is?
> --
> b_walls1
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Dave Peterson