I get lot of help from you all reading these postings. I'm a bit stuck on
this one.
I have a spreadsheet containing part numbers and prices. Since this
spreadsheet is created from a database I am unable to modify it. This
spreadsheet is called "Prices". On many occasions the same part number (in
col A) is repeated up to 5 times with up to 3 different prices on collumns b,
c d. (see ref). On another sheet in the same workbook I want to be able to
look up a given part number, and have the highest price returned. (For
Part=107 Price=$1.25, For Part=111 Price=$2.05)

Part# Price1 Price2 Price3
107 $.50 $.75 $.50
107 $.50 $1.25 $.50
111 $1.50 $1.50 $1.75
111 $1.55 $1.50 $0.00
111 $2.05 $1.50 $1.75
