
I've got a Master Pivot table with the following dimensions:

Rows=County (n=88)
Column=Year (8 now, 1 to be added each year)
Data=number of entries (10,817 now, more to be added each year)

This Pivot table covers years 1997-2005. Each year I would like to add
the current year's data, in this case 2006. In a recent post, I
described the current year's data as follows:

It comes to me as a list of county names. This year, that list
contained 618 entries (counties). I created a Pivot table to summarize
by county. Now I'm at a loss as to how to get the 2006 data added to
the Master Pivot Table. Things that I've explored/considered:

1) paste the data from 2006 into the source range for the Master Pivot
table and then simply redefine the data range for the Master Pivot
Table to include the 2006 data (not sure how to redefine the range

2) possibly use VLOOKUP using county - not sure how this would work

Would someone be willing to help guide me here?

I would really appreciate it.
