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Update External Data source from Excel sheet

  1. #1
    Lara Jacobs

    Update External Data source from Excel sheet


    I am intrested to create and Excel file or an Access database and save it on
    a network drive. This DB will be accessed by Excel files deployed on more
    than one machine on the network. Every client would by able to view the data
    of the DB through his Excel client and would be able to update the DB if he

    I can use Exteranl Data Range to view data on Excel, but don't know the
    proper technique to update. Anybody can comment?


  2. #2

    RE: Update External Data source from Excel sheet

    Hi Lara,

    You could try right clicking on any of the cells in the excel database drawn
    from the access database and selecting 'refresh data'.

    Hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Lara Jacobs

    RE: Update External Data source from Excel sheet

    By refreshing data is retrieved from the DB. It override what the client has
    changed and shows the original data of DB. What I need is to update the DB
    from the client.

    Thanks anyway,

    "BigPig" wrote:

    > Hi Lara,
    > You could try right clicking on any of the cells in the excel database drawn
    > from the access database and selecting 'refresh data'.
    > Hope this helps.

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