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why don't buttons in the header dialog box show screen tip?

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  1. #1

    why don't buttons in the header dialog box show screen tip?

    In Excel 2003 if you enter custom header or customer footer there are 9-10
    formatting buttons that you can use in the header dialog box. Examples of the
    format buttons include: the file name button, date button, font button etc...
    In all Microsoft Office programs if you point to a button on the tool bars
    with the mouse it will provide you with a screen tip, letting you know what
    the buttons function is. That is every where except in the header/ footer
    dialog box. i would like to know why and where can I find out the description
    of each button?

  2. #2
    Jim Rech

    Re: why don't buttons in the header dialog box show screen tip?

    >> i would like to know why and where can I find out the description of each
    >> button?

    MS doesn't often publicly disclose their design decisions. However these
    buttons pre-date the concept of tooltips and MS hasn't so far gotten around
    to updating them. That may change in Excel 2007.

    "AvidStudent20885" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...
    | In Excel 2003 if you enter custom header or customer footer there are 9-10
    | formatting buttons that you can use in the header dialog box. Examples of
    | format buttons include: the file name button, date button, font button
    | In all Microsoft Office programs if you point to a button on the tool bars
    | with the mouse it will provide you with a screen tip, letting you know
    | the buttons function is. That is every where except in the header/ footer
    | dialog box. i would like to know why and where can I find out the
    | of each button?

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