Quote Originally Posted by Ron Rosenfeld

What are the rules for populating these cells?

You might be able to use one of the lookup functions.
Let's see. If O5 is equal to any one of 9 possible options (text options), then O6:O11 would have to recognize that and know which sheet to pull the interest rate from.

O4 will always be a number between 350 and 850 (user defined)
C7 will always be a number between 1985 and 2007 (user defined)(drop down menu)
C8 will be one of 129 different possibilities (user defined)(drop down menu)
O5 will be one of 9 possible lending institutions (user defined)(drop down menu).

So from what the user enters in O4 and then selects from the other 3 drop down menus, the interest rate and term will have to be recognized. So I need O6 to equal a certain interest rate based o which bank was chosen, which credit score was entered, the year and model of the vehicle they are buying. O7 will have to recognize the same thing and return the term based upon the vehicle they are buying. Then O8:O11 will also figure the rate and terms based upon those 4 cells and give the buyer multiple payment options. So there will be many many possibilities based upon those 4 user defined cells.

I just need to know how to make O6, O7, O9, O10, O12 and O13 smart enough to filter all 4 of the user defined cells and return the appropriate values. Each of the possible lenders has their own sheet, each sheet has entries for interest rates and terms based upon credit scores and they are all compiled in a table format of sorts, although no two lender sheets are identical.

So I guess I need O6 to look at O5, see what bank it is and then goto that bank's sheet, then look at C8 and detrmine the vehicle so it knows which row to look on for the interest rate, of which it detrmines by the credit score entered into O4. Then whatever column it is in, it would know to grab the term from there and the payment would be figured.

Now I wonder if I made sense at all.