Say I have a worksheet with the following information:

Name Position Salary
John Producer $10,000
Jeremy Producer $98,000
Jaime Producer $50,000
Darren Artist $67,000
Chris Artist $75,000
Clint Artist $30,000
Adam Artist $57,000

In Cell C2 (salary for John) I want to create a formula that looks for
all rows that contain the same position as in B2 (John's position which
is producer) and then calculates the average of all the salaries in
column C of those rows that have the position producer. Then I want to
compare that calculated average salary for all rows that have the
position producer to the value in cell C2. I am using cell C2 as an
example but I would like to do the same calculation for all salary
rows. Basically I want to use conditional formatting to show if the
average salary for that persons position is below, around, or above
that persons salary. So once I create the conditional formatting formula
I can copy it to all the cells that have salary.

Can the above be done without using VBA or is VBA the only way to do
it? If VBA is the only way to do it can someone point me in the rough
direction of how I would go about it?

Thank in advance for any help provided.

- John

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