I've working with two different sheets in the same workbook. The first sheet is called "main flash" and the second is called "actuals". The "main flash sheet is basically just a cover page the has totals for a day, week, month, a year. The "actuals" sheet has all of the numbers. My "actuals" sheet looks like this:

Column A

Date      Sales
3/11          10
3/12          15
3/13          10
3/14          20
3/15          30
3/16          20
3/17          30
Total         135
3/18          20
3/19          10
3/20          25
3/21          20
3/22          15
3/23          20
3/24          30
Total         140
The Total's listed are for each week. In my "main flash" sheet I've got the date I want information from as well as the last day of that week. So for example today I have 3/22/06 listed in cell A1 and 3/24/06 listed in cell B1.

What I'm hoping to do is have a cell in my "main flash" sheet display the total sales for the week from the start of the week up until the date listed in A1. So for example since I have 3/22/06 listed in the daily date and 3/24/06 listed in the weekly end date the formula would need to display the value of 3/18 (the start of the week) threw 3/22/06. So that would be 20+10+25+20+15 for a value of 90. Another example would be if I changed the daily date to 3/13/06 and the weekly end date to 3/17/06 the value would be 35 (10+15+10).

If anyone can help me out with this I'd greatly appreciate it.