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Trying to find out a solution for a complex formula

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date

    Trying to find out a solution for a complex formula

    I've working with two different sheets in the same workbook. The first sheet is called "main flash" and the second is called "actuals". The "main flash sheet is basically just a cover page the has totals for a day, week, month, a year. The "actuals" sheet has all of the numbers. My "actuals" sheet looks like this:

    Column A
    Date      Sales
    3/11          10
    3/12          15
    3/13          10
    3/14          20
    3/15          30
    3/16          20
    3/17          30
    Total         135
    3/18          20
    3/19          10
    3/20          25
    3/21          20
    3/22          15
    3/23          20
    3/24          30
    Total         140
    The Total's listed are for each week. In my "main flash" sheet I've got the date I want information from as well as the last day of that week. So for example today I have 3/22/06 listed in cell A1 and 3/24/06 listed in cell B1.

    What I'm hoping to do is have a cell in my "main flash" sheet display the total sales for the week from the start of the week up until the date listed in A1. So for example since I have 3/22/06 listed in the daily date and 3/24/06 listed in the weekly end date the formula would need to display the value of 3/18 (the start of the week) threw 3/22/06. So that would be 20+10+25+20+15 for a value of 90. Another example would be if I changed the daily date to 3/13/06 and the weekly end date to 3/17/06 the value would be 35 (10+15+10).

    If anyone can help me out with this I'd greatly appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Ardus Petus

    Re: Trying to find out a solution for a complex formula

    In Main Flash, enter:

    The weekly totals in "actuals" are skipped because of the "Total" text.


    "Weasel" <Weasel.252v0a_1143041700.9942@excelforum-nospam.com> a écrit dans
    le message de news:Weasel.252v0a_1143041700.9942@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > I've working with two different sheets in the same workbook. The first
    > sheet is called "main flash" and the second is called "actuals". The
    > "main flash sheet is basically just a cover page the has totals for a
    > day, week, month, a year. The "actuals" sheet has all of the numbers.
    > My "actuals" sheet looks like this:
    > Code:
    > --------------------
    > Column A
    > Date Sales
    > 3/11 10
    > 3/12 15
    > 3/13 10
    > 3/14 20
    > 3/15 30
    > 3/16 20
    > 3/17 30
    > Total 135
    > 3/18 20
    > 3/19 10
    > 3/20 25
    > 3/21 20
    > 3/22 15
    > 3/23 20
    > 3/24 30
    > Total 140
    > --------------------
    > The Total's listed are for each week. In my "main flash" sheet I've got
    > the date I want information from as well as the last day of that week.
    > So for example today I have 3/22/06 listed in cell A1 and 3/24/06
    > listed in cell B1.
    > What I'm hoping to do is have a cell in my "main flash" sheet display
    > the total sales for the week from the start of the week up until the
    > date listed in A1. So for example since I have 3/22/06 listed in the
    > daily date and 3/24/06 listed in the weekly end date the formula would
    > need to display the value of 3/18 (the start of the week) threw
    > 3/22/06. So that would be 20+10+25+20+15 for a value of 90. Another
    > example would be if I changed the daily date to 3/13/06 and the weekly
    > end date to 3/17/06 the value would be 35 (10+15+10).
    > If anyone can help me out with this I'd greatly appreciate it.
    > --
    > Weasel
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Weasel's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=525297

  3. #3
    B. R.Ramachandran

    RE: Trying to find out a solution for a complex formula


    Try the following formula:


    B. R. Ramachandran

    "Weasel" wrote:

    > I've working with two different sheets in the same workbook. The first
    > sheet is called "main flash" and the second is called "actuals". The
    > "main flash sheet is basically just a cover page the has totals for a
    > day, week, month, a year. The "actuals" sheet has all of the numbers.
    > My "actuals" sheet looks like this:
    > Code:
    > --------------------
    > Column A
    > Date Sales
    > 3/11 10
    > 3/12 15
    > 3/13 10
    > 3/14 20
    > 3/15 30
    > 3/16 20
    > 3/17 30
    > Total 135
    > 3/18 20
    > 3/19 10
    > 3/20 25
    > 3/21 20
    > 3/22 15
    > 3/23 20
    > 3/24 30
    > Total 140
    > --------------------
    > The Total's listed are for each week. In my "main flash" sheet I've got
    > the date I want information from as well as the last day of that week.
    > So for example today I have 3/22/06 listed in cell A1 and 3/24/06
    > listed in cell B1.
    > What I'm hoping to do is have a cell in my "main flash" sheet display
    > the total sales for the week from the start of the week up until the
    > date listed in A1. So for example since I have 3/22/06 listed in the
    > daily date and 3/24/06 listed in the weekly end date the formula would
    > need to display the value of 3/18 (the start of the week) threw
    > 3/22/06. So that would be 20+10+25+20+15 for a value of 90. Another
    > example would be if I changed the daily date to 3/13/06 and the weekly
    > end date to 3/17/06 the value would be 35 (10+15+10).
    > If anyone can help me out with this I'd greatly appreciate it.
    > --
    > Weasel
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Weasel's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=27206
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=525297

  4. #4

    Re: Trying to find out a solution for a complex formula

    In your "main flash" sheet:


    Kostis Vezerides

  5. #5
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    Thanks for all of the help. It worked great!

    I'm also trying to figure out a way to get the totals for the entire month up to the daily date I entered. So if I entered 3/18 as the daily date I'd want to get the value for 3/1 up to and including 3/18. I tried editing the formula you guys gave me to:


    That doesn't work though.
    Last edited by Weasel; 03-22-2006 at 03:55 PM.

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