Hoping someone can help me.

I have a series of spreadsheets in excel that I use for calculations. Once I
impute my data and have the formulae calculate my data, I copy these
spreadsheets into MS Publisher, format them and make my reports. This has
never caused me a problem until now.

Today I was working along as usual but when I pasted one of my spreadsheets
into Publisher, one particular cell (appearing about 30 times in one
spreadsheet) had changed sizes. I checked the size of the cells (column) and
verified that nothing had changed, I checked all the formatting and all was
good, I checked my settings in Publisher and nothing out of the ordinary.

Then I tried to paste more sections of the same spreadsheet (Actually 1
spreadsheet with different calculation tables down through the worksheet).
And some of the pastes pasted fine while others within the same sheet didn't
(larger sized cell). I pasted to the same Publisher file as I always have and
some sections of the worksheet pasted like always while others had the larger
cells (on the same Publisher file).

I tend to think that it is a problem with the clipboard. Has anyone else
ever run into this, and can anyone advise.

Thank you very much in advance,