Hi everybody - Ive been looking for some vba to lookup the MAC address on the current PC and have found 2 types - the first was provided on this forum by a kind user but has a flaw! it wont display the MAC address if the motherboard is the way by which the MAC code is generated, ie no separate network card plugged into a PCI slot. The other which vba is below displays the address ( physical address ).

The following displays the physical address and works on PC's with a network connection regardless the way its built onto the motherboard but displays the address in a dialogue box rather than a cell ( preffered way ).

Sub GetPhysAddress()
Dim oWMIService As Object
Dim oColAdapters As Object
Dim oObjAdapter As Object

Set oWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "!\\.\root\cimv2")
Set oColAdapters = oWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where IPEnabled = True")

For Each oObjAdapter In oColAdapters
MsgBox "Adapter Physical address: " & oObjAdapter.MACAddress

Set oObjAdapter = Nothing
Set oColAdapters = Nothing
Set oWMIService = Nothing
End Sub

My question is - can anybody help by modifcation to the above code in making it display its result in a cell rather than the dialogue box - or - can anybody help by altering the longer version below that does display its result in a cell but does not work on MAC addresses provided by the motherboard ( so it works like the shorter version ).

Longer version below.

Option Explicit
Public Const NCBASTAT As Long = &H33 '<- added &
Public Const NCBNAMSZ As Long = 16
Public Const HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY As Long = &H8 '<- added &
Public Const HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS As Long = &H4 '<- added &
Public Const NCBRESET As Long = &H32 '<- added &
ncb_command As Byte
ncb_retcode As Byte
ncb_lsn As Byte
ncb_num As Byte
ncb_buffer As Long
ncb_length As Integer
ncb_callname As String * NCBNAMSZ
ncb_name As String * NCBNAMSZ
ncb_rto As Byte
ncb_sto As Byte
ncb_post As Long
ncb_lana_num As Byte
ncb_cmd_cplt As Byte
ncb_reserve(9) As Byte ' Reserved, must be 0
ncb_event As Long
End Type
adapter_address(5) As Byte
rev_major As Byte
reserved0 As Byte
adapter_type As Byte
rev_minor As Byte
duration As Integer
frmr_recv As Integer
frmr_xmit As Integer
iframe_recv_err As Integer
xmit_aborts As Integer
xmit_success As Long
recv_success As Long
iframe_xmit_err As Integer
recv_buff_unavail As Integer
t1_timeouts As Integer
ti_timeouts As Integer
Reserved1 As Long
free_ncbs As Integer
max_cfg_ncbs As Integer
max_ncbs As Integer
xmit_buf_unavail As Integer
max_dgram_size As Integer
pending_sess As Integer
max_cfg_sess As Integer
max_sess As Integer
max_sess_pkt_size As Integer
name_count As Integer
End Type

name As String * NCBNAMSZ
name_num As Integer
name_flags As Integer
End Type
Public Type ASTAT
NameBuff(30) As NAME_BUFFER
End Type
Public Declare Function Netbios Lib "netapi32.dll" (pncb As NET_CONTROL_BLOCK) As Byte

Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (hpvDest As Any, _
ByVal hpvSource As Long, ByVal cbCopy As Long)

Public Declare Function GetProcessHeap Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Public Declare Function HeapAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hHeap As Long, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function HeapFree Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal hHeap As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, lpMem As Any) As Long
Public Function GetMACAddress() As String 'retrieve the MAC Address for the network controller
'installed, returning a formatted string

Dim tmp As String
Dim pASTAT As Long
Dim AST As ASTAT 'The IBM NetBIOS 3.0 specifications defines four basic
'NetBIOS environments under the NCBRESET command. Win32
'follows the OS/2 Dynamic Link Routine (DLR) environment.
'This means that the first NCB issued by an application
'must be a NCBRESET, with the exception of NCBENUM.
'The Windows NT implementation differs from the IBM
'NetBIOS 3.0 specifications in the NCB_CALLNAME field.
NCB.ncb_command = NCBRESET
Call Netbios(NCB)

'To get the Media Access Control (MAC) address for an
'ethernet adapter programmatically, use the Netbios()
'NCBASTAT command and provide a "*" as the name in the
'NCB.ncb_CallName field (in a 16-chr string).
NCB.ncb_callname = "* "
NCB.ncb_command = NCBASTAT

'For machines with multiple network adapters you need to
'enumerate the LANA numbers and perform the NCBASTAT
'command on each. Even when you have a single network
'adapter, it is a good idea to enumerate valid LANA numbers
'first and perform the NCBASTAT on one of the valid LANA
'numbers. It is considered bad programming to hardcode the
'LANA number to 0 (see the comments section below).
NCB.ncb_lana_num = 4
NCB.ncb_length = Len(AST)

Or HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, NCB.ncb_length)

If pASTAT = 0 Then
Debug.Print "memory allocation failed!"
Exit Function
End If

NCB.ncb_buffer = pASTAT
Call Netbios(NCB)

CopyMemory AST, NCB.ncb_buffer, Len(AST)

tmp = Format$(Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(0)), "00") & " " _
& Format$(Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(1)), "00") & " " & _
Format$(Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(2)), "00") & " " & _
Format$(Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(3)), "00") & " " & _
Format$(Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(4)), "00") & " " & _
Format$(Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(5)), "00")

HeapFree GetProcessHeap(), 0, pASTAT

GetMACAddress = tmp
End Function
