I am creating a dinner event layout using excel. The names of all diners are keyed into individual cells. may i know if there is a way which i can create a graphical representation of tables and the names to each seat. Thanks!
I am creating a dinner event layout using excel. The names of all diners are keyed into individual cells. may i know if there is a way which i can create a graphical representation of tables and the names to each seat. Thanks!
Select a shape
Click in the formula bar, and type an equal sign
Click on the cell that contains the name for that shape.
There's an example here:
Under Data Validation, look for Seating Plan.
cityinday wrote:
> Hi,
> I am creating a dinner event layout using excel. The names of all
> diners are keyed into individual cells. may i know if there is a way
> which i can create a graphical representation of tables and the names
> to each seat. Thanks!
Debra Dalgleish
Excel FAQ, Tips & Book List
Thanks Debra
Your recommendation is very useful. I hope to be able to click on a button and all the diners will be assigned to the individual seats. Some of these tables contain between 12 to 15 seats. The reason for easy assigning is to facilitate the assignment process where changes might occur a few minutes before the start of the diner. There are approximately 1000 diners for this dinner. Thanks!
Hi cityinday......
I doubt with 1000 diners, that you will be able to come up with a Graphical
Representation that would show each diner's name by their respective seat,
no matter how you got them there, in any printable size that would be
readable.....so, I would suggest you create a floorplan drawing, either in
Excel or wherever, just numbering each Table and each seat at each
table...for instance a particular diner's assignment might be "Table 3,
Chair 12", or "3-12, or something like that. It may even already exist.
Then in Excel you can have your list of names and in an adjacent column you
could put =RAND() and copy it down that column. Then you could sort on that
column and the names would sort with it and be in a "random" order. Then in
the next adjacent column you could insert the Table-Chair assignments. This
would give everyone a Chair......then re-sort on the Name column
alphabetically, so you can find an individual when seating them.....the fun
part would be to then have a thumbnail printout of the layout with the
individuals seat location specified, "Table 3, Chair 12", and then
highlighted in color on the thumbnail for easier location.
Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3
"cityinday" <cityinday.24v3lz_1142679601.5413@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote
in message news:cityinday.24v3lz_1142679601.5413@excelforum-nospam.com...
> Thanks Debra
> Your recommendation is very useful. I hope to be able to click on a
> button and all the diners will be assigned to the individual seats.
> Some of these tables contain between 12 to 15 seats. The reason for
> easy assigning is to facilitate the assignment process where changes
> might occur a few minutes before the start of the diner. There are
> approximately 1000 diners for this dinner. Thanks!
> --
> cityinday
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> cityinday's Profile:
> View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=523423
Thanks for the advice. It is very helpful. Using color for easier location is very useful.
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